soralella prima

soralella prima

The Beginnings (Year: 1959)

Birth of a Roman dream

Sora Lella

We tell stories through taste

Trattoria Sora Lella is more than a restaurant: it is a journey through the history and culture of Roman cuisine. For generations, our family has kept culinary traditions alive, offering dishes that reflect the authenticity and richness of Roman flavors. A unique experience, where every meal tells a story.

soralella dopo

Today and the future

Looking ahead with pride

Since 28/5/2017

Despite everything and everyone,
we always strive to give our guests the best,
to continue the tradition.

our restaurant

in the heart of Rome

  • sora lella bianco e nero
  • sora lella graffiti
    Credit to: Lediesis
  • isola tiberina
  • scorcio ristorante
  • ristorante all'isola tiberina
  • dehors
  • insegna sora lella
  • entrata
  • insegna storica sora lella
  • poesia aldo fabrizi su tavola
  • dedica mastro titta
  • dedica sora lella ai nipoti
  • dettaglio dell'interno
  • la sora lella che taglia il pane
  • foto menu sora lella
  • foto alcolici e distillati
  • tavoli ed apparecchiatura
  • dettaglio del tavolo con bicchieri
  • dettaglio della sala interna
  • dettaglio apparecchiatura
tre cuochi
  • Mauro Trabalza Chef
  • Renato Trabalza Chef
  • Aldo Trabalza Head Chef

Our chefs


Our chefs, keepers of the Roman culinary tradition, expertly combine art, taste, and innovation in every dish they create."

botteghe romane botteghe storiche